after weeks of struggling installing & configuring zimbra, we finally managed to get it done :)
1st attempt was trying to install on top of FreeBSD - failed! tak cukup tinggi ilmu FreeBSD aku ni :P tapi mmg banyak buang masa dok troubleshooting sana sini...
2nd attempt was on Fedora 11 - yey success :) pretty straight forward & not very complicated, just that you better read the requirements/how-to 1st before proceed with the installation. if not you gonna stuck like me hahahahhaa
1st attempt was trying to install on top of FreeBSD - failed! tak cukup tinggi ilmu FreeBSD aku ni :P tapi mmg banyak buang masa dok troubleshooting sana sini...
2nd attempt was on Fedora 11 - yey success :) pretty straight forward & not very complicated, just that you better read the requirements/how-to 1st before proceed with the installation. if not you gonna stuck like me hahahahhaa

so far for me, zimba is the best opensource mail and collaboration suite i ever tried. it comes with AJAX Mail & Address Book, Shared Calendering, AJAX Documents, Tasks and Briefcase & the best part is Instant Messaging inside the webmail. ala macam gmail chat tu.
there are a few editions of zimbra, but we just use the opensource editions. FOC! but if you are not an opensource fan, no worry you can always go for enterprise/professional versions. go here for the comparisons.
for admin backend here is the features - Web/CLI administration, Online backup/restore, Storage management, Multi-domain support, Integrated Anti-Spam / Anti-Virus & many more!
gila senang nak maintain ;)
thats not just it, they also have desktop client for those not fancy web based email. and also for migration purposes they offer pst to zimbra conversion, migration wizard for Exchange & Domino. cool! FOC too.
p/s: hmmm ape pengeras aku nak mintak ek?
i'm still new with zimbra but those yg nak migrate their email systems to zimbra boleh la contact aku kalo stuck kat mana2. tapi kalo nak suruh aku buat from a to z pun boleh gak, tapi kena la ada pengerasnya ya ;)
p/s: hmmm ape pengeras aku nak mintak ek?