Thanks to your votes, my wife now in the final of Malaysian Bloggers Idol 2006. This week is the final one.
(thanks god! kalo dak asik kesepian aku!)
This is her final assignment -
Malaysia has had the facilities to process nuclear waste for the last 30 years (in Perak), with the increase in oil prices, should Malaysia look into having it's own Nuclear power plant?As usual, please vote for her. Voting starts at 12.00noon this Thursday until 12:00noon Sunday. Thanks!
Good luck Mummy!
Hip hip hurray.......
we all support RedMummy.... we'll vote her for Blogger Idol 2006.
woo hoo
p/s :
How are you, Ami? Sorry to hear about the pecah masuk....
rozita & leilanie,
thanks for your suppport :)
i'm good here. dah tak de rezeki :(
ami.....sorry to hear bout ur loss....anyway thank God the kids are okay kan?......Takpe ada rezeki nak dapat nanti Allah nak uji lah ni.....Sabar je la ek......Kalau rasa nak pindah umah kawasan umah kitorang ada kosong lagi nih ik ik....jgn mare
mana entry binimu juara bloggers idol 2006??
yeah..congrate to red mummy..btw happy buffday
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