Thursday, October 30, 2008

wii day

apart from playing pool or fussball or ping-pong during after office hour, we also have our wii day once a week in the office.

what the projector & meeting room for?
yup, playing wii hehehehe

my colleagues enjoying themselves

syiokkkkkkkk ;)

p/s: we're playing wii boxing. letih gak main benda ni...


Diana-k said...

aiyakk..bro sirman taknak letak satu ke kat umahhhh.. kak red sure sukee... pastuh abiss laa..sumer benda terabai bagai..asyik ber"wii" kan.........hiks...

Nad Eusoff said...

dulu pestaim main, main game tenis..
mmg pas nih boleh kurus tau main nih..kurus tang tangan..