Monday, June 22, 2009

its 4mb now

speedtest from

after a week waiting for technician to come to upgrade my streamyx, now its finally 4mb yeyyy ;)
currently TM has promotion for this package for only rm160/month. before i was paying rm88/month plus italk voice plan rm38/month total up rm126.

speedtest from

together with this 4mb package i choose the rm10/month for my voice plan, so just additional rm44 monthly. on top of that i got free wireless router plus free cordless phone. good deal kan?

the free wireless router

so ade sesapa nak beli wireless router lama aku ni?

now me happily youtubing... even from wireless connection, youtube seems smoothly streaming, tak de la tersekat2 :P kalo tersekat pung tak la berjanggut nak tunggu cam dulu ;)
ooo torrent lom test lagi ni... nanti2 la...

p/s: tapi cordless phone tak dapat lagi ni iskk iskk... boleh stok tak dak lak? pe citer ni TM?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

blackberry as modem

all this while i never bothered to configure my blackberry to be a modem. probably the reason was my laptop is company property, malas la nak godek barang orang ni. plus legal admin right pun takde for the laptop (illegal or backdoor ade la hehehehe sssyhhhhhh)

but since we bought our new Lenovo netbook, semangat la sket nak menggodek. here are the steps how to turn your blackberry to be a modem. mine is Curve 8310.

1. install BlackBerry Desktop Manager. download here.
- once installed, connect your berry to your laptop & launch the apps. make sure the status "Connected" like pic above.

2. go to Control Panel -> Phone and Modem Options. select Modem -> Standard Modem. click on Properties. click on Diagnostics -> Query Modem
- there should be some messages "BlackBerry IP Modem, Research In Motion bla bla bla..."

then click on Advanced, u can see there is a column "Extra initialization command"
put this line into that column:
- for MAXIS = at+cgdcont=1,"IP","net"
- for CELCOM = at+cgdcont=1,”ip”,”celcom3g”

then go to Control Panel -> Network Connections (we need to create new connection for this modem)
- select Create a new connections -> Next -> select Connect to the internet -> Next -> select Set up my connection manually -> select Connect using a dial up modem -> (if you have more than 1 modem, select the modem we configured just now)
- give the ISP Name eg. berry maxis
- in Phone number, put *99#

User name & Password:
for MAXIS put User name = maxis & Password = wap
for CELCOM = no need to key in any information, leave it blank.

once finished, double click the shortcut & Dial

if everything is OK, you are now connected ;)

the speed, hmmm not so bad & quite resonable la for surfing purpose. at least if desperate nak pakai internet & no reachable free wifi, boleh la pakai ni...

p/s: credits goes to sukablackberry

Sunday, June 14, 2009

zoo taiping














antara hasil petikan… tak larat nak upload banyak2 ;)

p/s: singa & rimau manjang tido jer… hampeh tul!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

bila tangan gatal memetik

semenjak 2 menjak ni aku dah terjebak ke alam baru. selama ni aku hanya melihat & memerhatikan member2 aku seorang demi seorang terjerumus ke alam yg asyik ini. tapi aku masih lagi tidak goyang walaupun hampir setiap masa diracuni oleh mereka supaya mengikuti jejak langkah mereka.

tetapi air dicincang tak akan putus, eh silap peribahasa pulak! tetapi lekuk juga batu jika dititik air selalu. ye dak?

akhirnya aku tumpas juga... aku kini terjerumus ke alam yg mengasyikkan itu.

peh apa yg aku mengarut ni. actually aku baru berjinak2 dengan DSLR daaa... a few months back bini aku hadiah kan aku sebijik Canon 450D! well actually sebab nak tangkap gambar utk blog dia tu la... dah manjang pergi event sana sini, tak syok la pulak pakai Canon IXUS tu!

tapi dah beberapa bulan pakai rasa cam tak puas lak asik layan kit lens dia tu. tu yg tajuk bila tangan dah makin gatal memetik, tu yang dapat hasil ni...

50mm f/1.8 II & 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS sekali ngan UV filter. sambar gak bagpack. dapat la free lens hood tokey kedai tu bagi. murah2 jer lens tu, bajet ciput. lagipun baru nak berjinak2, amik gambar pun tak betul lagi. layan la bajet lens dulu ye dak... nanti insyallah ade rezeki lebih, leh la sambar L lens :P

hasil petikannya nanti2 la aku upload, dah transfer kat PC lagi satu. malas nak mengopy!

p/s: tu pun hadiah dari bini gak, dia cakap 3 tahun nyer birthday presents daaa... 3 tahun pun 3 tahun la... janji dapat. anyway TQ yang ;)

p/s2: sorry geng Nikon, Canon it is! :P